
Sustainability Consulting

The active orientation towards a sustainable future opens up the opportunity for companies to create long-term value. Responsible corporate governance is increasingly expected by customers, investors and legislators. Successful companies therefore work on win-win solutions - for the environment, society and growing green figures in their own organisation.

The potential of net zero to net positive can be unfolded at several levers - from anchoring sustainability in your strategy, organisation and culture to designing the supply chain and building additional, innovative business models.

We accompany you as a reliable partner for sustainable future design. Our holistic approach enables us to anchor sustainability across the entire company. Together with our clients, we cross the turning point from idealistic visions to entrepreneurial sustainable action. For us, goals and results go hand in hand in order to make a significant contribution to a world worth living in.

We support you with our following services:

Sustainability strategy

A sustainability strategy creates orientation and enables your company to address environmental, social and economic issues along clear goals. We analyse your starting position with you and define a strategy to embed sustainability in your organisation in such a way that goals are followed by actions.

  • Definition of the "need for change", your own ambition and measurement criteria
  • Assessment of the initial situation and identification of key strategic issues
  • Deriving, prioritising and deepening strategic options that benefit your social, environmental and regulatory benchmarks
  • Development of an implementation-oriented sustainability strategy

Sustainable business model

A sustainable future requires the courage to innovate. Together with you, we explore, create and scale future business opportunities that create long-term value - for your organisation, your stakeholders and your environment. Helbling is at your side as you build long-term growth models:

  • Exploration of new business model opportunities
  • Development and validation of sustainable business models (e.g. circular business model, shared value)
  • "Doing well by doing good" - profitable development of sustainable growth potentials

Market Insights & 
Customer Value

Successful companies meet the changing demands of their consumers. They are increasingly attaching importance to sustainability. We help you to gain concrete market knowledge and a basis for decision-making. Together we design customer experiences to address customer needs.

  • Analysis of the sustainability trend in your industry and its impact on market size and growth.
  • Gaining customer insights: Identifying perceived benefits and willingness to pay for sustainable value propositions.
  • Designing a needs-based customer experience
  • Sustainable and needs-based product development in collaboration with Helbling Technik

Manufacturing Footprint, Production &
Supply Chain

Successfully addressing the goal of "net zero" requires a holistic analysis and end-to-end promotion of sustainable practices. A responsible approach to the company's environmental and social impacts can focus on the global footprint, the supply chain as well as individual products. With a structured approach, we help you identify environmental and social impacts, define potential for improvement and derive and prioritise actions.

  • Creating transparency and optimising global value streams and reducing negative impacts on the environment.
  • Promoting operational compliance and building responsible and circular value and supply chains (e.g. Modern Slavery Act)
  • Increasing resilience through enterprise-wide risk management

Leadership & Organisation

A successful sustainable corporate orientation is not based on the one-off definition of new goals and KPIs, but on a deeper anchoring of sustainability in the culture and organisation. Helbling works with the approach of integrative organisational development to position sustainability - in purpose, organisational structure and process organisation, through management development to control mechanisms and incentives.

  • Assessment of corporate purpose and strategy as a prerequisite for sustainable organisational alignment
  • Development of organisation and culture to create a commitment to sustainability
  • Enabling leaders and talent to drive the sustainability agenda forward

Due Diligence & 
Valuation Impact

The basis for identifying the need for change or for investment and financing decisions is a substantiated due diligence. With our multi-stage procedure from an initial assessment to a maturity model with sector benchmarking, relevant ESG factors and performance indicators (EFFAS) are assessed according to the GRI and SASB standards and thus lead in their entirety to a meaningful ESG company rating. Including the results of the ESG rating in the company assessment enables the quantification of the potential for action. In this way, the strategy can be linked to the value drivers in the sustainability context and prioritised according to materiality.

  • Internal and external evaluation of companies with the use of established software solutions or pragmatic use of commercially available analysis tools
  • Data collection and determination of the status quo
  • Benchmarking of the results in comparison with competitors and derivation of the maturity level
  • Derivation of fields of action and potentials for optimising the rating
  • Company valuation taking into account the ESG rating

Sustainability Tracking & PMO

Creating non-financial transparency is a key success element of a sustainable business orientation. Both internal and external stakeholders depend on reliable ESG data to make responsible decisions. We work with you to develop the foundations that are relevant to you - from solid sustainability reports to management dashboards.

  • Establish transparency on non-financial corporate performance (CSRD) along the entire value chain.
  • Building a sustainability KPI dashboard (e.g. based on GRI)
  • Identification of fields of action and development of measures
  • Operational implementation support (incl. PMO) and empowerment of employees

Our References

Your contact

Stefan Baldenweg

Hohlstrasse 614
8048 Zürich

Daniel Jürgenschellert

Heinrich-Heine-Allee 22
40213 Düsseldorf

Andre Wassmann

Heinrich-Heine-Allee 22
40213 Düsseldorf

Michael Weber

Hohlstrasse 614
8048 Zürich

Our further services

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