
Successful support of ifesca GmbH in its largest financing round to date

We comprehensively supported ifesca GmbH as exclusive advisor during the entire process.  
 Cornelia Böse (Senior Investment Manager at bm-t beteiligungsmanagement thüringen) comments on the cooperation as follows: "Helbling supported us very well throughout the transaction. We were particularly impressed by its stringent process management and negotiation skills. Helbling thus contributed enormously to the successful completion of the transaction."


  • Development of a meaningful equity story, preparation of all sales documentation
  • Elaboration of unique selling propositions and investment highlights
  • Identification of potential investors and management of the entire process from a single source
  • Maximization of fundraising through significant contribution to negotiation of company value, support through intensive contract negotiation, signing & closing with AWV relevance

Result / Success

The IoT company ifesca offers an AI-based intelligent forecasting system for the fully automated provision of real-time forecasts for industry and the energy sector. This enables the best possible decisions to be made for energy provision and demand, and is thus also a helpful tool on the path towards the necessary ESG compliance.  

The newly acquired capital is to be used for the company's growth, the expansion of sales activities in other European and international countries, and for the development of newly acquired markets.

Your Contact

Andre Wassmann

Heinrich-Heine-Allee 22
40213 Düsseldorf

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