
Successful support of SPH Sustainable Heat GmbH in its financing round

We comprehensively supported SPH GmbH as exclusive advisor throughout the entire investor search process. It was important for us to find investors who have a vision of innovative, future-oriented technologies and at the same time attach importance to the fact that this new technology makes an important contribution to improving our climate.


  • Identification and compilation of a shortlist of suitable investors
  • Support in the preparation of the sales documentation
  • Establishing contact and coordinating overall communication between investors and other parties involved until closing


Result / Success

SPH has developed a unique ultra-high temperature heat pump for industrial process heat, capable of generating temperatures of up to 165 °C, and in the future even over 200 °C.  

The so-called ThermBoosterTM can be used for a wide range of industrial applications and eliminates the need for gas, oil, coal or electric boilers in industrial processes.  

The newly acquired capital is to be used for the company's growth, the expansion of sales activities in the national and international environment, and for the development of newly acquired markets.

Your contact

Andre Wassmann

Heinrich-Heine-Allee 22
40213 Düsseldorf

Further references

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